ya gotta give her credit..

November 28, 2007

“I think the fact of the matter is that Senator Clinton is claiming basically the entire eight years of the Clinton presidency as her own, except for the stuff that didn’t work out, in which case she says she has nothing to do with it,” Obama said.

we meant we wouldn’t get CAUGHT doing it again

November 12, 2007

In a telephone interview with Fox, Geoffrey Mitchell, 32, says he was approached by an operative for the Clinton campaign to ask a planted question about standing up to President Bush on Iraq war funding. The encounter happened before an event on a farm outside Fort Madison, Iowa. The Clinton event was hosted by Iowa State Sen. Gene Fraise.

Mitchell tells Fox that Clinton campaign worker Chris Hayler approached him and asked him to ask Sen. Clinton a question about how she was standing up to President Bush on the question of funding the Iraq war and a troop withdrawal timeline.

Mitchell told Fox the Clinton campaign wanted to contrast Clinton to Sen Barack Obama, who had recently said the president would probably prevail in the Iraq funding battle with Congress.

Mitchell said he refused to ask the question.

“I told Chris I had other issues I wanted to raise with Sen. Clinton,” Mitchell said. Asked what those were, Mitchell said: “I wanted to ask her why she voted for the Iraq war and why she didn’t consider that a mistake.”

Mitchell told Fox that Hayler, the Clinton campaign worker, was unhappy and moved on to others. “I know he tried to have others ask that question,” Mitchell said.

Ultimately, Mitchell said Clinton took no questions at the event.

those bastards

November 11, 2007

Since media, with the help of the democrats (ie, MoveOn.org), and the Clintons in particular, often comment on alleged illegal, or at least unethical, acts committed by the Bush administration, perhaps they would also be interested in covering some other unethical acts including

“commercializing the White House”.. bullying the press and using private detectives to intimidate political opponents.. abusing staff.. paranoid claims that their low poll ratings are the results of orchestrated efforts by political sabateurs.. and selling favors through political campaigns

yes, this administration has hit the moral bottom.. and they appear to be reaching for shovels

‘we didn’t do it… and we won’t do it again next time’

November 10, 2007

On Tuesday Nov. 6, the Clinton campaign stopped at a biodiesel plant in Newton as part of a weeklong series of events to introduce her new energy plan. The event was clearly intended to be as much about the press as the Iowa voters in attendance, as a large press core helped fill the small venue. Reporters from many major national news outlets came to the small Iowa town, from such media giants as The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, the Associated Press, and CNN.

After her speech, Clinton accepted questions. But according to Grinnell College student Muriel Gallo-Chasanoff ’10, some of the questions from the audience were planned in advance. “They were canned,” she said. Before the event began, a Clinton staff member approached Gallo-Chasanoff to ask a specific question after Clinton’s speech. “One of the senior staffers told me what [to ask],” she said.

“It’s not a practice of our campaign to ask people to ask specific questions,” said Mark Daley, Clinton’s Iowa Communications Director. Daley said that when an event is focusing on a specific topic, such as health care or Iraq, “people are encouraged to ask questions in these regards,” but denied that they are given specific questions.

But when directly asked if his statements meant that planting does not occur in the Hillary campaign, Daley could only say, “to the best of my knowledge.”

“[Planting] is not something that is encouraged in our campaign,” he said.


On the other hand, Hillary is the first one to yell ‘rat’ when the table is turned on her…

At a campaign stop in New Hampton, Iowa, Hillary Clinton sparred verbally for several minutes with a man who pressed her on her recent vote to call Iran’s army a terrorist organization.

Randall Rolph, from nearby Nashua, asked why he should support Clinton’s candidacy when she did not appear to have learned any lessons from having voted to authorize force in Iraq.

Clinton thanked him for the question and explained her Iran vote would lay the groundwork for using diplomacy and sanctions to pressure that government.

Clinton accused the man of being a plant who had been sent to ask the question, to which he took exception, saying the question was a result of his own research.

Hillary the Magician

November 9, 2007

First the Rose Law Firm billing records disappeared without a trace, only to turn up unexpectedly in Clintons’ White House office. Somehow the media must have missed that ‘little’ scandal. Maybe that’s why Hillary Clinton is falling back on that same old trick now, when her presidential campaign is in full swing, and documentation of her previous *cough* work might prove a bit damaging to her reputation.

Nearly three years after the Clinton Library opened—and more than 21 months after its trove of records became subject to the Freedom of Information Act—barely one half of 1 percent of the 78 million pages of documents and 20 million e-mail messages at the federally funded facility are public, according to the National Archives. The lack of access is emerging as an issue in Hillary’s presidential campaign: she cites her years of experience as First Lady as one of her prime qualifications to be president. Like other Democratic candidates, she has decried the “stunning record of secrecy” of the Bush administration; her campaign Web site vows to bring a “return to transparency” to government. But Clinton’s appointment calendar as First Lady, her notes at strategy meetings, what advice she gave her husband and his advisers, what policy memos she wrote, even some key papers from her health-care task force—all of this, and much more documenting her years as First Lady, remains locked away, most likely through the entire campaign season. With nearly 300 FOIA requests pending for Clinton documents, and only six archivists at the library to process them, Archives spokeswoman Susan Cooper says it is “really hard to predict” if any of this material will be released before the election.


getting out of the kitchen

November 7, 2007

Remember when Hillary made her (in)famous statement, “I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession which I entered before my husband was in public life.”

Hillary wanted to get out of the kitchen back then, and now we see that it’s because she can’t take the heat.

“At one minute the strong woman ready to lead, the next, she’s the woman under attack, disingenuously playing the victim card as a means of trying to avoid giving honest, direct answers to legitimate questions,” Michelman wrote of Clinton.

“It is not presidential,” Michelman said, adding that women “know better than to use our gender as a shield when the questions get too hot.”
